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di Sant'Antonio \ Aisle panorama_51C361A0_5B29_66C3_417F_C1C7A5EF13A8.subtitle = Chiesa di Sant'Antonio \ Altar panorama_502DD9BB_5B39_66C5_41D5_5304E79F3B14.subtitle = Chiesa di Sant'Antonio \ External side view panorama_503B04A2_5B29_EEC7_41BC_A65560472E88.subtitle = Chiesa di Sant'Antonio \ Narthex panorama_503BF5A2_5B29_2EC7_41D4_14C4828A7F8B.subtitle = Chiesa di Sant'Antonio \ Presbytery panorama_D6D859E4_5445_CD04_41D2_001380231AB5.subtitle = Church of Martin the Blessed St. panorama_D6D760DF_5445_DB04_41B2_9B51818319B5.subtitle = Church of Our Lady of Kuj panorama_D6D73D64_5445_4504_41C5_2A0FB99A3BC4.subtitle = Church of Our Lady of Kuj - Entrance panorama_D6D7EE4A_5445_C70C_41D1_C1C034D3CDE5.subtitle = Church of Our Lady of Kuj - Floor Mosaic panorama_D6D5786E_5447_4B04_41C6_6A0DDC149C62.subtitle = Church of St. Felix and Fortunato panorama_D6D6DE01_5444_C6FC_418D_F615D9AC3111.subtitle = Church of St. Jeronimo panorama_D6D51C5E_5447_4B04_41CB_6DB6A333296E.subtitle = Church of St. John the Apostle panorama_D6D551BC_5447_DD04_41C7_8F9391FA1FDC.subtitle = Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary panorama_D6DB92D5_5447_3F04_41D4_02414D6A60F4.subtitle = Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary - inside panorama_D02B9AFB_683A_2C3A_41C7_4FE5ABCBA4C1.subtitle = Domus Madonna delle Grazie \ General view panorama_A699D4D0_A88C_E759_41E1_3A07B22C43CA.subtitle = Domus Madonna delle Grazie \ Mosaic with dolphins panorama_A691951A_A88B_66C9_41D2_3EEC05A1DE15.subtitle = Domus Madonna delle Grazie \ Walls panorama_A562B105_A88D_3EBB_41C2_64267ACE1D1B.subtitle = Domus Madonna delle Grazie \ Walls panorama_A6917ACC_A88C_E349_41CF_9F3DD3F03376.subtitle = Domus Madonna delle Grazie \ Walls panorama_A599A819_A875_EECB_41E0_14961F9C8646.subtitle = Domus di Bacco \ Bacchus' Mosaic panorama_A6366704_A875_E2B9_41DC_62B12075064A.subtitle = Domus di Bacco \ General view panorama_A562C154_A88D_E159_41C3_DC7710DA3FC6.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Art collection panorama_A562E30E_A88D_E2C9_41B1_52D8D12E9C3A.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Art collection panorama_A57F614F_A88D_2147_41D2_CA763734FB82.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Entrance panorama_51DE715D_5B39_267D_41B7_C280AB59B469.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Facade panorama_A69B8204_A88D_22B9_41D3_EF4749022E1C.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Meeting room panorama_D45C8FC1_683E_2446_41C0_D33B64188AAA.subtitle = Domus di Palazzo Melatino \ Roof garden panorama_A690DD9B_A88B_21CF_41CB_D8CAAA446264.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ General view panorama_A66E2241_A874_E2BB_41E0_58A3B4497690.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ Room panorama_A667A607_A875_62C7_41DF_79582DA56E80.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ Room panorama_A6789E0E_A875_22C9_41E1_E5EA3983C0E7.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ Room panorama_A66E2C2F_A875_26C7_41CF_F9BBEC0A74AC.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ Room panorama_A59B2800_A874_EEB9_41C8_656AD84AC088.subtitle = Domus di Piazza Sant'Anna \ Room \ panorama_A36EC14F_B3AD_AACA_41B4_F28AA546F81A.subtitle = Drone Teramo panorama_DA7D0215_5445_7F04_41D1_00684994E475.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A1FF9B_5445_C50C_41C2_604E8F8B4DA4.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A1F2EB_5444_DF0C_41AC_5983A1DF6800.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A23CD7_5445_4B04_4170_272A505B8F74.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A10537_5445_C504_41D2_E0FF0FDCC8A9.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D8E9B250_5443_5F1C_41CA_BAA0F8EFA49F.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A1189F_5445_4B04_41AE_E4D5022ACF49.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A1A640_5445_477C_41B3_59A0D0A565CB.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A2C082_5445_5BFC_41C0_261BADD59C66.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_D6A2EA81_5445_CFFC_41C8_9D6E625C9BD0.subtitle = Duboak - Maritime heritage interpretation center panorama_50274EE3_5B39_FA45_41D2_202B4AA87A66.subtitle = Fallen soldiers memorial fountain panorama_518FAA0F_4BC3_4F04_4193_17493B9142A4.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52F97117_4BC5_5D04_41BE_C05C60F8F689.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52FAEA80_4BC5_4FFC_41CC_32B3E144B41E.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52FB0F16_4BC4_C504_41B6_AFA1ECB947DC.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52FB163C_4BC4_C704_41B5_14089C1D0A49.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52F89455_4BC4_FB04_418C_0AC911C70451.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_51795AE4_4BC4_CF04_41CB_2640A89EF235.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52FB7D84_4BC4_C504_41D0_E7E4B85FCA4E.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Mihovil panorama_52FE528D_4BC5_DF04_4173_359C9BD26D5F.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_52FE4967_4BC5_CD04_41D1_CB3F14BE2661.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_51834471_4BCC_DB1C_41D2_D69B91AE3105.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_52FE1453_4BC5_3B1C_41C2_22D0F4279BC6.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_519DDF68_4BC5_C50C_41A0_FC3AABC92C58.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_52FE672B_4BC5_450C_41D2_F1A6C4C51901.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_52FE4D98_4BC5_450C_41D0_89E39518C669.subtitle = Fortress of Saint Nicholas panorama_DFF7B9E3_5445_4D3C_41C8_C6728DF500B9.subtitle = Jadreški - Aerial view panorama_D6D60A8B_5445_4F0C_41BD_8816DE390256.subtitle = Kuje Bay, Ližnjan panorama_D6DC4677_5445_4704_41CE_D39DDD185EBC.subtitle = Ližnjan - Aerial view panorama_53F232C8_468F_5F27_41CD_852B58BD231F.subtitle = MASLINA panorama_D6D746A5_5445_4704_41D0_31EB3D48D568.subtitle = Monte Madona panorama_D6D676D3_5445_471C_41CE_3C9B7CED73F2.subtitle = Monte Madona Main Entance panorama_D6D7961C_5444_C704_4194_A1F99FA0957A.subtitle = Monte Madona dorm panorama_D6D66880_5444_CBFC_41C5_45D4CA58349D.subtitle = Monte Madona passage panorama_D6D7313D_5444_FD04_41AB_DB8706A4F199.subtitle = Muntić panorama_D693A3BE_545D_FD04_41C5_F8CD99AE4B74.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D69219AD_545D_CD04_41D3_23D5FD2CA460.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D6905861_545D_4B3C_41C8_16F14EA34424.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D6938271_545D_7F1C_41D2_D313240CF011.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D6935DBB_545D_C50C_41CC_0D4FA979D787.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D9E4CC4C_545D_4B04_4195_DC53C1742DE7.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_DA3D51D6_545F_3D04_41C4_7951CF68D2B1.subtitle = Nerezinac Lugger From Lošinj – Open-Air Museum panorama_D6DA6278_5447_FF0C_41CD_5A53B595DD98.subtitle = Nesactium panorama_D6D5ED25_5447_C504_41D1_B8D6F7C2856B.subtitle = Nesactium panorama_DE77E883_5444_CBFC_41BD_AA30026E2D8B.subtitle = Nova Kraljevica Castle panorama_D6A4DA65_5447_4F04_41D2_4609421C1100.subtitle = Nova Kraljevica Castle panorama_D6AA6B11_5447_4D1C_41BC_D085A630537F.subtitle = Nova Kraljevica Castle panorama_D6A57349_5447_7D0C_41D3_F60E1802E5FD.subtitle = Nova Kraljevica Castle panorama_D89DE3B0_5443_5D1C_41A9_9EE74F775922.subtitle = Nova Kraljevica Castle panorama_53F25A4E_468E_EF3B_41B9_5670430F1FEC.subtitle = PODVORJE \ Kaštel Sućurac panorama_53F2312B_468E_BD79_41D1_360EE4F09E00.subtitle = PODVORJE \ Kaštel Sućurac panorama_51C23E72_5B27_3A47_41BB_ABF82A233074.subtitle = Piazza Sant'Anna \ Scavi archeologici panorama_51DEBB49_5B39_3A45_41C5_1EAE5FB066C9.subtitle = Public gardens pond panorama_5156BFA3_4BC7_453C_41CC_805C4E497986.subtitle = Republic of Croatia Square panorama_50307E7C_5B2E_DA43_41C2_DEB57A2B4A7F.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ Aisle panorama_502F4A79_5B29_7A45_41BF_C4CAECE1011C.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ Apse panorama_D2E2D131_6836_3DC6_41C2_CD36CC766EC2.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ Cloister panorama_503FB670_5B27_EA43_41B7_15D317A3E358.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ Facade panorama_51C6E6F6_5B29_2A4F_41D3_9520F48CA5F2.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ High Altar panorama_C9564964_682A_EC4E_41DA_0BB00BB1EE76.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ Narthex panorama_51C73EFA_5B2F_7A47_41B0_653C41015A9D.subtitle = Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie \ View from the Choir balcony panorama_51908EA8_4BC4_C70C_41D2_0E1CD8B4BC76.subtitle = Square of four wells panorama_A564AD88_A88B_E1C9_41E1_99C083E4BB82.subtitle = Teatro romano \ Cavea panorama_51DE218E_5B39_66DF_4187_D48BD60A6D70.subtitle = Teatro romano \ Esterno panorama_A564E321_A88B_62FB_41D6_9BE18F80CE3B.subtitle = Teatro romano \ Vomitoria panorama_A564A493_A88B_27DF_419D_CB2835059854.subtitle = Teatro romano \ Vomitoria panorama_DEE15A6C_5443_CF04_41C7_286F38BB7962.subtitle = The House of the Sea panorama_D69B6EAA_544D_C70C_41D4_1892007893FA.subtitle = The House of the Sea panorama_D9F282D5_544D_5F04_41CC_E321519278A2.subtitle = The House of the Sea panorama_D69B7866_544D_CB04_41C5_9222F397566A.subtitle = The House of the Sea panorama_D69A64AD_544D_DB04_41C2_618B02FFB0C7.subtitle = The House of the Sea panorama_53F13A6E_468D_6FFB_41CD_43C1DB0C16A0.subtitle = VITTURI \ The Vitturi Castle panorama_53F10E2C_4692_A77F_4155_B59CF95A32F4.subtitle = VITTURI \ The Vitturi Castle - Interior panorama_53F1D30C_468D_DD3F_41C7_1CE62F57FF18.subtitle = VITTURI \ View fron the sea panorama_D6D54FAC_5447_4504_41A6_B4DBDC11D8BF.subtitle = Valtura panorama_D764B8F8_55BD_4B0C_41D2_E36332B62B7C.subtitle = Visitor Center Kraljevica 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album_FD601B10_6679_0FBC_41A8_010ABC5E5EE1_2.label = 02_Clementino album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_1.label = 02_Duomo album_FF74EF0D_667B_07A4_41B0_49849F2C8C08_1.label = 02_PortaPia album_FB731341_6679_7F9C_41BD_04E32CCA5DDD_2.label = 02_Traiano album_FD601B10_6679_0FBC_41A8_010ABC5E5EE1_3.label = 03_Clementino album_FB731341_6679_7F9C_41BD_04E32CCA5DDD_3.label = 03_DSC9476 copia album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_2.label = 03_Duomo album_FF74EF0D_667B_07A4_41B0_49849F2C8C08_2.label = 03_PortaPia album_FD601B10_6679_0FBC_41A8_010ABC5E5EE1_4.label = 04_Clementino album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_3.label = 04_Duomo album_FF74EF0D_667B_07A4_41B0_49849F2C8C08_3.label = 04_PortaPia album_FB731341_6679_7F9C_41BD_04E32CCA5DDD_4.label = 04_Traiano album_FD601B10_6679_0FBC_41A8_010ABC5E5EE1_5.label = 05_Clementino album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_4.label = 05_Duomo album_FF74EF0D_667B_07A4_41B0_49849F2C8C08_4.label = 05_PortaPia album_FB731341_6679_7F9C_41BD_04E32CCA5DDD_5.label = 05_Traiano album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_5.label = 06_Duomo album_FF74EF0D_667B_07A4_41B0_49849F2C8C08_5.label = 06_PortaPia album_FB731341_6679_7F9C_41BD_04E32CCA5DDD_6.label = 06_Traiano album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_6.label = 07_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_7.label = 08_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_8.label = 09_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_9.label = 10_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_10.label = 11_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_11.label = 12_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_12.label = 13_Duomo album_C257733D_6649_7FE4_41C0_1C00E5B09C10_13.label = 14_Duomo panorama_DF5737C2_5447_C57C_4188_A18D647FB805.label = AN 06_PalazzoFerretti panorama_DCEDE06A_5444_FB0C_41D1_80B380D4A7D4.label = AN ArcoClementino_Est1_Pano panorama_DD4BD0F6_5447_3B04_4185_D02850C68D58.label = AN ArcoClementino_Est2_Pano 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Krk_-38k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D76491A9_55BD_DD0C_41B5_8B133536162A.label = FM Krk_-48k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A57349_5447_7D0C_41D3_F60E1802E5FD.label = FM Krk_-58k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A4DA65_5447_4F04_41D2_4609421C1100.label = FM Krk_8k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_DA8FB59D_55BC_C504_41C5_5B0841178104.label = FM Krk_muzej_-28k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6984CCB_5443_4B0C_41C6_364A3D6215B5.label = FM Krk_muzej_-38k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D698B3F9_5443_7D0C_41C1_76E857751C41.label = FM Krk_muzej_-48k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D698DB69_5443_4D0C_4185_1A0DD8D3AB27.label = FM Krk_muzej_-58k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6994118_5443_DD0C_41CF_029A7994927B.label = FM Krk_muzej_-68k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D699631F_5443_FD04_41A6_8D3AEC134F2A.label = FM Krk_muzej_8k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_DEE15A6C_5443_CF04_41C7_286F38BB7962.label = FM Kuca od mora dron 360 panorama_D9F282D5_544D_5F04_41CC_E321519278A2.label = FM Kuca od mora_-28k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D69B7866_544D_CB04_41C5_9222F397566A.label = FM Kuca od mora_-38k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D69B6EAA_544D_C70C_41D4_1892007893FA.label = FM Kuca od mora_-48k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D69A64AD_544D_DB04_41C2_618B02FFB0C7.label = FM Kuca od mora_8k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_DA7D0215_5445_7F04_41D1_00684994E475.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-28k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A1189F_5445_4B04_41AE_E4D5022ACF49.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-38k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A1FF9B_5445_C50C_41C2_604E8F8B4DA4.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-48k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A10537_5445_C504_41D2_E0FF0FDCC8A9.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-58k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A2EA81_5445_CFFC_41C8_9D6E625C9BD0.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-68k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A2C082_5445_5BFC_41C0_261BADD59C66.label = FM Malinska_DubOak_-78k-standard-scale-2_00x panorama_D6A1A640_5445_477C_41B3_59A0D0A565CB.label = FM 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"The Frankopans used Kraljevica as the harbour for their town of Hreljin. They brought to Kraljevica with them a new wave of the family connected Zrinski. One of the most famous women of the Frankopan lineage - Katarina Zrinska - contributed to the beauty of the decoration of the castle."
The castle is on the hill of a peninsula, at the very entrance of the Bay of Bakar, Petar Zrinski began to build it in 1651. The large rectangular complex with four large towers situated at the corners. The square inner courtyard has a cistern in the centre. The luxurious feel to the interior was taken care of by Katarina Frankopan, the wife of Petar Zrinski.
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The fortress of St. Mihovila was built on a steep, stone hill, from which there is a magnificent view of the numerous islands of the Šibenik archipelago and the medieval town. Throughout its turbulent history, it served as the main point of the city's defense system. Under its walls, Šibenik developed, the oldest autochthonous Croatian town on the Adriatic, which was first mentioned on Christmas Day 1066 as the residence of the Croatian king Petar Krešimir IV. Most of the ramparts and towers of the fortress that are still preserved today date back to the late Middle Ages and early modern times. The fortress was renovated in 2014, when new content was added to it, a unique outdoor summer stage. Until recently, two 15th century cisterns were hidden inside the St. Michael's Fortress. Today, the walls of the cisterns provide a backdrop for the presentation of the rich history of the fortress and the city. With a demanding project, the most modern technical equipment necessary for projecting content onto the curved and roughly plastered cistern walls was installed in the cisterns. The image and sound backdrop consists of 34 projectors and 16 speakers covering 90% of the wall surface.
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Monument to the Dead of the War is the work of a sculptor Venanzo Crocetti, it is found at the end of the Tigli Garden.
The monument was made between 1960 and 1968. It is a group of sculptures, more than 4 meters high. In the centre of the composition there is a serene “Young Horseman of Peace”, while around him there are suffering figures of “The Dead on the Ground”, “The Dead at Sea”, and “The Dead in the Sky”.
The figures of the dead are vertical, long, almost unnatural, with their bodies in extreme poses, to remember the moment of heroic death and sacrifice.
The monument is a real mausoleum, in which the figures, distinctive and far from each other, create a unique composition with the surrounding environment – the lime trees are like crowns, the hills around and the Gran Sasso mountains make the background.
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Put your finger in the sea, and you will be connected to the whole world," they say. And it's true. Since the beginning of trade, the river and sea routes have been the main "roads" between civilizations. The passage through the Sibenik Channel, the end of the Krka River and the gateway to the open sea, is a unique experience for every visitor. The attractive sea passage is a naturally protected area with many significant cultural monuments, the most attractive of which is the St. Nikole Fortress, an architectural jewel from Venetian times. St. Nikole Fortress is located at the entrance to the St. Ante Channel in Šibenik and is a unique Renaissance building of Venetian fortress architecture and an exceptional monument of the architectural world heritage. It was built on the small island of Ljuljevac on the site of the former Benedictine monastery of St. Nikola, after which it was named. The construction of the fortress according to the project of Venetian architect Gian Girolamo Sanmichelli began in 1540 after the fall of the city of Skradin under Ottoman rule, when the Venetians had to strengthen the defense of Šibenik, their most important strategic port on the east coast of the Adriatic. The special value of the fortress of St. Nikole is that it has preserved its original form and rare architectural solutions from the Renaissance, which is why in 2017 it was included in the list of World Heritage Sites UNESCO under the nomination "Defense systems of the Republic of Venice in the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Republic of Croatia Square was called "Plathea Comunis" in historical documents from the middle and early modern times and is the most important public square in the municipality of Šibenik. For centuries, this square was for centuries the center of public social life, and is surrounded by the Cathedral of St. Jakov, the Great Lodge (in more recent times called the Town Hall) and the Small Lodge (Town Guard). In the immediate vicinity of the main city square is the Ducal Palace, the seat of the city government during the Venetian administration.
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St. Dominic Church and the adjacent Cathedral were constructed in the beginning of the 14th century. The church has one large nave which ends with a choir covered with a vault.
The walls are richly decorated with frescoes of the 15th century, showing the scenes of the life of Saint Dominic. The church houses important artworks and a precious organ.
On the left side of the main altar there is a terracotta statue of the Virgin Mary adoring the Child, painted and gold-plated, dating back to the middle of the 16th century. On the right side of the main altar there is a polychrome plaster composition, showing the family of St. Anna and St. Joachim – the work of Michele Clerici, 18th century.
Next to the church there is a Chapel of Most Holy Rosary, 18th century, with the frescoes of Gilberto Todini and plaster artworks of Clerici.
The only elements remaining from the adjacent convent of the 14th century, are the arches of the cloister with lunettes decorated by Sebastiano Majewski, showing the scenes of the life of St. Dominic.
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The Casa del Melatino (The House of Melatino) is one of the few medieval palaces in Teramo.
It was built by the Melatino family around 1236. Bishops were granting to this feudal noble family land, houses and privileges to make them settle down with their vassals in Teramo, in order to facilitate the reconstruction and repopulation of the city after the destruction by Robert III of Loritello in the second half of the 12th c.
The square plan house has three floors – on the ground floor there are groin vaults and the remnants of an ancient colonnade with stonework columns sustaining lancet arches.
The windows are typical for Ghibellines (the party of the owners), with architrave and protruding thresholds, in the middle of the façade there are four bifora windows vertically divided by small elegant columns resting on carved bases, three columns are spiral and two of them are decorated with a snake with a woman’s head.
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The Church of St. Anna of Pompetti is in the heart of historic and archeologic center of St. Anna Square, adjacent to the Torre Bruciata (Burnt Tower) bastion. Originally, the church was a part of the ancient Cathedral of Santa Maria Aprutiensis, destroyed in a fire by Normans in 1156.
The Church is believed to be founded in the 6th century, during the Byzantium empire.
Inside the church has stone and brick walls, and a vault divided in three groined components supported by the pillars.
The church houses frescoes of the 12th – 14th centuries and a statue of St. Anna with the Infant Mary.
Under the arch of the side entrance there are two angels holding a round shield depicting the blessing Hand of God.
On the wall attached to the Torre Bruciata (the Burnt Tower) there is a painting of the Madonna del Latte (Our Lady of the Milk).
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The Church of St. Anthony, formerly a convent, was founded in the 13th century during the Swabian period.
The façade has remnants of a fresco showing St. Christopher.
The portal has a large splay composed by a harmonious use of sculptured reliefs, helical columns, floral motifs, angular and helical elements raising to the archivolt.
There are two baroque churches inside – to the right from the apse is a larger church of St. Francis, with tempera paintings inspired by the Old Testament; another church, the Church of St. Anthony, is in the old refectory, houses frescoes, paintings and a big dome with eight windows and an image of St. Anthony in glory in the centre.
On the altar there is a statue of the Madonna Immacolata, in the triangular spaces between the dome and the nave there are shown four cardinal virtues - prudence, justice, temperance, and courage.
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The Nova Kraljevica castle is the starting point on the historical cultural journey and an invitation to the exploration of the material and spiritual heritage of the Frankopan and Zrinski families, strung from Krk over Vinodol to Gorski Kotar.
The visitor’s centre is situated in the western tower and its adjoining hall. In the tower, with its marble fireplace from the time of Katarina Frankopan, interesting programmes such as storytelling and costume interpretations are held, whilst in the adjoining hall there is an interactive exhibition. In the authentic, striking space of the hall there is a dynamic spacious-sculptural exhibit. This meandering playful, and yet architectural, powerfully constructed installation, is the host of the interpretive route and the Frankopan heritage. Using the language of pictograms, multimedia applications and intriguing texts, illustrations and photographs, the interpretation is introduced here with original and wonderful artistic animations and films. The coming together of the sensibility of contemporary artists and the powerful historical family story of Croatian and European significance, makes a visit to this visitor’s centre an unforgettable experience, a prompt for continuing the exploration of ‘The Routes of the Frankopans’. In doing so, playing the interactive game – the Frankopan’s Fortune-Teller and getting your own personal Frankopan prophecy will definitely be of help.
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The Phoenicians called the city “Petrut”, that meant “highland surrounded by water” (the latin variant of the term was Praetut, which transformed later into Praetutium), while the Romans called the city Interamnia Urbs – “a city between the two rivers”, Tordino and Vezzola. The Roman name transformed into the nowadays Teramo.
The origins of the city of Teramo go back to the Picentes and Praetutii who, until the 3rd century B.C., were dominating the region of Aprutium, the name that transformed in “Abruzzo”.
In the early Middle Ages, from the 13th c., during the Angevine Empire, till the 15th c., during the Crown of Aragon, Teramo was a capital of an autonomous area, represented by the local families, the Melatinos, who were rivals of the Dukes of Atri. Later on it became the centre of the region of Abruzzo Ultra, founded in 1233 by Frederik II, Duke of Swabia.
In the 18th – 19th centuries Teramo was an important cultural centre with such important figures as Melchiorre Delfico and Francesco Savini.
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The Roman Theatre of Teramo was built under the rule of the Emperor Augustus. In 30 B.C. rich decorations were made in the rectangular and semi-circular recesses of the stage wall.
The remnants of the architectural complex show that the theatre could hold about 3000 spectators on the radiant seats made from travertine and leaning on 20 arches.
The external façade of the Roman Theatre is believed to have been made from two levels of arcades, supported by square pillars. Only two of them are visible on the lower level.
The arches supporting the cavea were made from Roman concrete. There are 14 steps from travertine that were a part of the staircase leading to the “vomitoria”, the exit.
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The Roman domus, dating back to 1st c. BC, has a large rectangular peristyle with the walls made in opus incertum (irregular work) technique, columns from bricks covered with red and white plaster. The impluvium, a drain pool to gather rainwater, is made using opus spicatum (spiked work). It is decentralized in relation to the peristyle, which has other three areas adjacent.
On the pavement of a large central area, there is a white mosaic with a black frame; the walls made using opus incertum (irregular work), preserve some parts of plaster with light geometrical design on a white background, with stylised vegetal designs.
The southern part of the house has the pavement made in opus signinum technique with casual use of white tesserae. The plaster preserves white background with light yellow and ochre geometrical designs.
The last area in the northern part of the Domus, has an outside entrance and the pavement made in opus signinum technique with white diamond shape tesserae. The plasters are red with geometrical and vegetal designs.
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The cathedral construction started in 1158, when Normans destroyed the Ancient Cathedral of Santa Maria Aprutiensis, and the most of the city.
Its actual look is a result of numerous reconstructions and transformations that took place since Late Middle Ages, a 50 m high tower is an example of it.
The cathedral houses numerous precious artworks. A magnificent antependium of the high altar is a masterpiece by Nicola da Guardiagrele, made in 1448, and composed by thirty five silver sheets in repoussé (hammering and polishing), showing different religious scenes, the central sheet is double-sized and depicts the Redeemer.
Another important artwork is a large polyptych executed in the late 15th century by a venetian artist Jacobello del Fiore. It consists of sixteen richly framed panels, showing Christ who crowns the Virgin, and the city of Teramo, between two rivers, as it was at the time.
The cathedral also houses an important wooden crucifix dating back to the beginning of the 16th century; a polychrome wooden statue of Virgin Mary; and a pipe organ Mascioni opus 788, made in 1956.
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The interpretation center of fishing and maritime heritage "House of the Sea" is located above the waterfront in Mošćenička Draga in the "Minčica" house. It covers two floors of a building located within the protected complex of the old center of Mošćenička Draga. The permanent exhibition includes the thematic areas of fishing, the sea and the undersea, seafaring, traditional shipbuilding, seafaring skills and the development of the harbor in Mošćenička Draga. Visitors can see an inboard and outboard motor, a dinghy, a ganache, a fishing box, cork, lead, rings, etc. and other artifacts that were used on boats both for the purpose of fishing and for the purpose of feeding, selling fish, etc. Unlike the usual concept museum exhibits when it comes to fishing heritage and the presentation of the daily life of fishermen, here special attention is paid to the role of women in fishing and the coexistence of fishing and tourism in Mošćenička Draga. In particular, it is worth highlighting the footage of various types of fishing used in our waters so that visitors can clearly see the fishing methods. The traditional small shipbuilding of Kvarner "Small boats of Kvarner" is shown through a display of traditional tools, models and interpretation texts. The display is complemented by a multimedia presentation of the types of traditional boats, drawings, pictures, computer animation of the construction of the Kvarner boat, photos of the stages of renovation of wooden boats, etc.
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The square is situated in the oldest part of the city, and takes name from the Church of St. Anna of Pompetti, built on the site of the ancient Cathedral of Santa Maria Aprutiensis.
There are very important historical monuments in the square, such as:
- the Church of St. Anna of Pompetti, built on the site of the ancient Cathedral of Santa Maria Aprutiensis of the Byzantium period (VI c.) that was constructed on top of the Roman domus; the cathedral was reconstructed afterwards, but in the 12th c. it was destroyed in fire by the Normans;
- the Torre Bruciata (the Burnt Tower) is what remains from a Roman bastion of II c. B.C., which had to protect the bishop. The tower owes its name to the traces of fire that destroyed the city in the 12th c.;
- the archaeological site of St. Anna Square preserves the remnants of a luxurious Roman Domus dating back to I c. B.C.
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The square with four wells is a city cistern built in 1453, which tells us about the importance of water supply. Since Šibenik was constantly lacking water, during the Venetian administration, a large cistern was built during the Venetian administration on the former property of the Dominicans. It is the only cistern built outside the city walls. It was named Four Wells after the four wells of the crown which water was extracted from the cisterns.
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Did you know that photos of Kaštilac have travelled the world? The production of the global Game of Thrones phenomenon chose Kaštilac to represent the "City of Braavos", as one of the locations for the filming of season 5, whose narrow streets and shores were trod by Arya Stark herself. The producers do have exquisite taste, as Kaštilac is a truly unique locality on the Croatian part of the Adriatic Coast. Of the seven kastels, Kaštel Gomilica is the only one with a fortress that is an island, built in order to shelter peasants and nuns from invasion by the Turks. It was built on the underwater rock of Gomile, which explains its present-day name, and was founded by the nuns of the Split Benedictine Monastery. The fort had a dual defensive and trading function, and originally comprised a battlement on all sides. The only connection of Kaštilac with the coast was a bridge, while, from all other sides, it was, and still is, accessible only by sea. The stone used for construction was brought by ships from the Slatine quarry. The tower was entered via a wooden drawbridge, which was quickly raised in the case of danger. When Kaštilac ran out of ground to expand on, the peasants started building their dwellings on the coast of the islet, forming a small settlement. The northern part of the village included towers equipped to surprise the enemy by dropping lead or pouring boiling oil through the openings between the walls - a defensive element known as machicolation. The old bridge, 60 meters long, was reconstructed, while the remaining building material was removed - thus separating Kaštilac from the coast again. The unbreakable bond with the sea has, unfortunately, taken a toll on the entire complex over the centuries. Extensive renovation and revitalisation of the locality is planned to respond to the tourist and educational demands of the future.
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During the excavation at Madonna della Grazie square, a Roman domus of 2nd c. BC has been identified. There is an area with a cement pavement made from clay and white tesserae, with decorative reticulated or double meander patterns. Another area has a pavement made in opus signinum technique, with some marble tesserae that create a more intricate decoration with a central clypeus divided into diamonds shapes and four dolphins in the angles.
The last area of the domus has a cement pavement from clay and stone tesserae, that create a decoration in the shape of a central clypeus with geometrical design and four caducei in the angles.
During the reign of Augustus the republican buildings were included in a large domus with a central peristyle, while in 3 AD an industrial system was installed, presumably a laundry for the dyeing of cloth, used until the end of 5 AD.
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If trees could talk...they would tell us centuries-old fairy tales and legends, and one of them would take us back 1,500 years. Can you imagine a tree growing quietly from the time when ancient Croats came to the sea? One such tree resides in Kaštel Štafilić – an ancient olive tree (olea europea), nicknamed by the people of Kaštel ‘Mastrinka’, meaning ‘wild olive tree’. It had been left behind on a Roman agricultural property of the 5th century and was, recently, morphologically typified as an endemic olive tree specimen of the Kaštela territory.
Presumed to be over 1,500 years old, Mastrinka has silently testified to many historical periods, generously yielding olives, still processed into oil; leaves, used to brew tea according to an ancient recipe; and branches, carved into autochthonous souvenirs, making this tree an item of the invaluable natural heritage of the City of Kaštela, as well as a distinctive Croatian tourist brand. Mastrinka yields up to 200 kg of fruit annually. Harvesting is done manually and oil is processed solely by mechanical methods. The oil of the Old Olive Tree is characterised by medium bitterness and medium fruitiness. An original Kaštela souvenir packed in glass replicas of Roman unguentaria or tear bottles will take you back on a journey into the past, stimulating all your senses. The circumference of the tree trunk is 10.74 m, and the diameter of the crown is 22 m. It reaches a height of 10 m and has a well branched-out root system, 100 meters wide. As a rare botanical specimen, in 1990, the Old Olive Tree was declared a natural monument, protected by the Nature Protection Act. Traditionally, an olive tree is compared to a mother – while never asking for much, it always welcomes you with open arms. The locals, still, take great care to nurture the Old Olive Tree and keep it alive and healthy for centuries to come.
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Inhabited since the Illyrian era, Kaštel Sućurac owes its development to the vicinity of ancient Salona, when it was called ‘Ager Salonitanus’. The symbol of Sućurac is the Podvorje square, located at the very seaside, where the oldest of Kaštela towers bears witness to its rich medieval history. The beginning of construction dates back to 1392, when the archbishop of Split, Andrija Benzi, received approval to build a fortification to protect the land and people of the Putalj village, located on the slopes of Mount Kozjak. The tower was built on a sea ridge back in the Middle Ages, and, although demolished in 1402, it was rebuilt the following year, while the reconciliation with the people of Split was symbolically proclaimed right next to it.
Though the tower has not survived to this day, its impressive northern walls still stand strong, partially converted into residential buildings. The complex had been extended over time. A fortified archbishop’s summer residence was annexed in 1488, with lavishly decorated windows in high Gothic and traditional country house styles, and the original core of Sućurac also included the palace courtyard. The interesting thing is that the square abuts the south side of the palace, which was not typical for the era, and, most likely, explains the name. Podvorje was also the battleground of the greatest tragedy in the history of Kaštel Sućurac, on December 5, 1943, when the church of St. George was demolished, and 97 locals lost their lives. Only the bell tower remains of the church, decorated with a plaque listing the names of all victims killed in the Allies’ attack. Today, the old square is home to the permanent ‘Podvorje’ exhibition by the City Museum and a witness to the archaeological and ethnological heritage of the Putalj settlement, with more than one thousand exhibits, the oldest ones dating back to the Illyrian period.
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The Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik is one of the most significant and beautiful architectural achievements in Croatia and in 2000 it was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites UNESCO. The cathedral was built over a hundred years, during the 15th and 16th centuries and is unique in that it was built entirely of stone and without binders.
The most important builders of the cathedral are Juraj Dalmatinac and Nikola Florentinac. During the centuries of construction, the cathedral was built in three different styles: Gothic, Gothic-Renaissance and Renaissance. From the religious aspect of the water according to Christian belief, the baptistery of the temple stands out, which was placed by Juraj Dalmatinac on the ground floor of the southern apse, stands out. It is a round, small room with recesses touching in the columns. On their leafy capitals, the artist has placed statues of prophets in canopies and covered the room with a gently curved vault divided by strips into four fields. The abundance of sculptural decoration is the most impressive feature of the Baptistery, and the human figure is most restrained in the decorative motifs. In addition to four statues of prophets (two of which are preserved), the entire vault is decorated with complete figures of angels, heads of putti, and the prominent head of God the Father. Master Juraj placed a trio of chubby-cheeked and sculpted naked boys next to the support of the baptismal font placed in the middle of the room.
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The Phoenicians called the city “Petrut”, that meant “highland surrounded by water” (the latin variant of the term was Praetut, which transformed later into Praetutium), while the Romans called the city Interamnia Urbs – “a city between the two rivers”, Tordino and Vezzola. The Roman name transformed into the nowadays Teramo.
The origins of the city of Teramo go back to the Picentes and Praetutii who, until the 3rd century B.C., were dominating the region of Aprutium, the name that transformed in “Abruzzo”.
In the early Middle Ages, from the 13th c., during the Angevine Empire, till the 15th c., during the Crown of Aragon, Teramo was a capital of an autonomous area, represented by the local families, the Melatinos, who were rivals of the Dukes of Atri. Later on it became the centre of the region of Abruzzo Ultra, founded in 1233 by Frederik II, Duke of Swabia.
In the 18th – 19th centuries Teramo was an important cultural centre with such important figures as Melchiorre Delfico and Francesco Savini.
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The Phoenicians called the city “Petrut”, that meant “highland surrounded by water” (the latin variant of the term was Praetut, which transformed later into Praetutium), while the Romans called the city Interamnia Urbs – “a city between the two rivers”, Tordino and Vezzola. The Roman name transformed into the nowadays Teramo.
The origins of the city of Teramo go back to the Picentes and Praetutii who, until the 3rd century B.C., were dominating the region of Aprutium, the name that transformed in “Abruzzo”.
In the early Middle Ages, from the 13th c., during the Angevine Empire, till the 15th c., during the Crown of Aragon, Teramo was a capital of an autonomous area, represented by the local families, the Melatinos, who were rivals of the Dukes of Atri. Later on it became the centre of the region of Abruzzo Ultra, founded in 1233 by Frederik II, Duke of Swabia.
In the 18th – 19th centuries Teramo was an important cultural centre with such important figures as Melchiorre Delfico and Francesco Savini.
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The three areas are a part of a large Roman domus, dating back to 1st c. BC, with the walls made in the opus mixtum (“mixed work”) technique, from river gravel, tiles and bricks, with the traces of polychrome plaster decorated with geometrical design.
The biggest area, presumably, peristylium, has the pavement made in opus signinum, with marble plates.
The other area has a black-and-white mosaic with a frame from black tesserae and a star of lozenges in the centre.
The third and last area has a mosaic with white tesserae and a perimetral black ornament, in the centre of the mosaic there is a pseudo-emblem in polychrome opus vermiculatum, depicting the half bust of Bacchus with a vine leaves crown and a wild animal skin on the shoulders. The mosaic is made with a technique, when a figural mosaic is made up of small, closely set tesserae that permit fine gradations of colour and an exact following of figure contours and outlines, while larger tesserae are used in regular lines for the external frame of the mosaic.
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This is a place that will remind you of the rich maritime heritage, the sailing culture and the coexistence of the islanders with the sea and the forest.
The modernly equipped interactive space is divided into two thematic units. The first consists of the Oak Forest (locally "drmun"), and the second maritime heritage.
There you will get to know the history of Dubašnica, seemingly modest, but extremely influential. Small events over the centuries left a deep mark there, just as water hollows out even the hardest stone. This is how age-old responsible behavior towards nature shaped the present-day Oak Forests „drmun“ in Dubašnica as the most picturesque example of sustainable forest management.
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Who are the Romeo and Juliet of the Croatian Reef? Miljenko and Dobrila, young lovers: the daughter of the noble Vitturi family, and the son of the neighbouring Rosani family, who fell in love and secretly met in the Vitturi Castle of the 17th century. But their families were sworn enemies, just like the Capulets and the Montagues. And why? Over land and peasantry. Miljenko would come by boat under Dobrila's window in the middle of the night. When their love was discovered, Dobrila was placed under the strict supervision of her mother, while Miljenko was sent off to Venice. Dobrila's father organised her wedding to a local nobleman, but Miljenko himself stopped the ceremony in the nick of time. Dobrila was, then, sent to St. Nicholas Monastery in Trogir, and Miljenko exiled to a Franciscan monastery on the islet of Visovac on the River Krka. Do you want to know how the story ends? Visit Kaštel Lukšić and Dobrila’s Vitturi Castle... In 1487, the Prince of Trogir allowed the Vitturi brothers, revered noblemen, to build a private palace by the sea in order to protect their family and peasants from the Turks. Kaštel Vitturi is a luxurious Renaissance palace completed in 1564.
The word of Italian origin ‘kastel’ is another name for a defence tower. This protected cultural monument at the heart of Lukšić seems to emerge from the sea, with the bridge at the entrance gate as the only contact with land. The southern balconied residential part has access to the sea in case of emergency. The northern side features two defence towers, a machicolation and a drawbridge that was replaced by a stone bridge in the 18th century. An open courtyard nestled in the middle of the fortification is where the peasantry once did their daily chores, while the nobility resided on the galleries.
Today, the restored Vitturi Castle is the cultural heart of the city and home to the city museum. It is a picturesque stage for the Kaštela Summer Festival, where exhibitions, concerts and theatre performances are popularly frequented.
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Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie

The Sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie (Our Lady of Graces) was founded in 1153, dedicated to the Patroness of the city of Teramo.
There is only one nave of a rectangular shape, and three chapels on both sides. The ceiling has groin vaults and a hemisphere dome.
The façade has an arcade with three doors. Beside the church there is a trapezoidal cloister.
On three sides there are double arcades composed of round arches and massive columns with Lombard-Byzantine capitals, dating back to the 12th century.
On the main altar there is a magnificent polychrome wooden statue of St. Mary of Graces with a gold plated mantle and Jesus Child on the lap, dating back to the 15th c.
The wall is decorated with the fresco of the 15th c., depicting Our Lady of Graces on the throne, with the Child and having a holy conversation with a bishop on her right, presumably, St. Bernard.
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Test section(s)
This is where the material samples sit before testing begins. The mechanical testing involves slowly pulling apart one end of the sample while the other end remains stationary – which is easier said than done! For this reason, samples are connected to a specifically developed Double2Bellows system, allowing for particularly precise measurements. With the help of a linear variable differential transformer sensor and a load cell, we can calculate stress as well as sample displacement or elongation. These measurements help us to better understand the mechanical behaviour of materials in the liquid lead environment. We have three operational test sections while a fourth one is in the making. Several test sections enable us to test individual samples under different mechanical conditions in the same environment.
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